Leadership Matters

Leadership Matters In all organisations – and at all levels.

And particularly now – with organisations facing rapid change and uncertainty, new demands and resource constraints. We are very familiar with what happens when leadership is poor or absent.

Science organisations are no exception - and they face their own challenges:


Few scientists come into science for leadership


Yet early in their career they will probably be given leadership responsibilities.


And many tell us that they didn’t think that effective leadership training would be available to them.


Many see leadership roles as a distraction from their science work


It’s no wonder we meet many who lack confidence in these roles and responsibilities.

Science organisations are no exception - and they face their own challenges:


Few scientists come into science for leadership


Many see leadership roles as a distraction from their science work


Yet early in their career they will probably be given leadership responsibilities.


It’s no wonder we meet many who lack confidence in these roles and responsibilities.


And many tell us that they didn’t think that effective leadership training would be available to them.

What’s the result?

Some do learn on the job. Though this takes time and the results are likely to be variable. At best this represents a loss of potential achievement and capacity, at worst it can have negative consequences for the individual and the organisation.

Much more rarely do we hear of scientists who have had leadership training.

Which is what we do, because leadership skills can be learned

We are passionate about helping scientists and people working in science develop their leadership skills, behaviours and confidence.